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Armas largas usadas > Fusiles De Lujo
Marca: WILHELM BRENNEKE / Estado: Usado
fusil artesanal hilhem Brenneke (aleman) accion tipo Mauser
calibre 7x64 Brenneke (con 5 cajas factory y DIE)
finos detalles
porta municion el la culata con grabados
montaje appel
mira Swarovski 4-12x50
In 1917 Brenneke necked down his 8x64mm S design of 1912 to 7 mm calibre and introduced it as 7×64mm and achieved a major commercial success. The 7×64mm offered 10 to 12% extra muzzle velocity over the 7×57mm producing a flatter trajectory and greater long range performance. In the years between World War I and World War II the 7×64mm was often regarded by German hunters as a “miracle cartridge” and dozens of different factory loads were available on the German market. It was that highly regarded the German Wehrmacht (Army) during the 1930s even considered replacing the 8×57mm IS in favour for the 7×64mm for their snipers. The Wehrmacht decided - just like the German army in 1912 - to stick to the 8×57mm IS cartridge for their Mauser Karabiner 98k to keep things as simple as possible in their logistical chain.
Beside the 7×64mm rifle cartridge Brenneke also designed a rimmed version for break action rifles of the cartridge in 1917. The rimmed 7×65mmR variant of the cartridge was also immediately a commercial success.
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